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Top 3 ecommerce persuasion techniques to use online

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Irrespective of customers wanting to buy, they also want a reason no matter how small or insignificant.

Scroll down to see the top 3 ecommerce persuasion techniques to use online.



If you were walking into a building and I held the door open for you, you’re most likely to buy me a cup of coffee if we later got to sit at the same table.

Why? That little door opening gesture shows a lot about a person than they can possibly imagine simply because, they decided to care for or make the day of a total stranger.

The same goes for a loyalty points program, a very low cost product, or a buy 2 get 1 free.

That seems like nothing but an online store with that offer will get 10x more sales than an online store with none.



It’s based on the fact that more value will be assigned to something with limited availability.

Before FOMO (fear of missing out) became a strategy, there’s a story of a popular tonight show host in 1973 who made a joke about an upcoming toilet paper shortage.

People rushed out to buy it, thereby creating an actual nationwide consumer toilet paper shortage.

Simply stating the quantity of a product left on an online store eg. only 4 left in stock can create a genuine urge to buy a product due to the fear of not being able to have it at a later time.


Price anchoring

This is based on the fact that the first price seen for a product plays a big role in the decision making process and any other price seen beside it (e.g a discounted price), is seen as a steal or getaway price.

To drive this home, when two different products are placed together, the one with a price slash ($100) + new discounted price ($89) will be choosen more times than not over the one with a single price.

Here, the higher price sets the stage and becomes the anchor that makes the second/discounted price much more appealing.


Which of the top 3 persuasion techniques do you prefer.

Do you know of others.

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